Well, here we are, the last week of June.
It seems incredible that already we are halfway through the year and past the shortest day.
Looking out the window the mountains are a wonderful sight, snow-capped and promising great times for skiers!
This is typical winter weather for us, a frosty morning, the sun is shining, and a vivid clear blue sky. The day is warming up quickly.
Situation normal.

I have just fed the birds, they are fun to watch as they squabble over pecking rights. These colourful characters are Silvereyes. They are also known as wax-eyes or white-eyes but their Maori name is tauhou which means ‘stranger’ or 'late arrival'.
They settled in Australia during the 1800s and arrived in our country soon after.
Hungry birds - eating us out of house and home but it’s lovely to watch them. With spring they move on to pastures new and their place will be taken over by greenfinches. And with spring bulbs already beginning to appear in the garden that is not far away.
It is then that our rhododendrons appear, putting on a spectacular display that continues through until Christmas.
I am looking forward to that.