February could grab an extra day from both January and March and no-one would miss them.
After all, here in New Zealand February is a time to celebrate the height of summer and Christchurch certainly knows how to celebrate big time.
Like on the 4th February, three nights ago. It was a warm evening, the air was still. How apt therefore that after the early evening traffic noise had settled down the first uninterrupted song that we heard in the Phil Collins Concert was "In the Air Tonight". Barry first saw Phil Collins perform live back in the UK during the 1970s.

We were sitting on the balcony deck outside our lounge and dining rooms and we had a clear view of the open air stage at Christchurch Stadium. The acoustics were fantastic throughout the rest of the performance. Some of our guests were at the concert, but we were the ones with our feet up on the balcony rail sipping a few drinks... best seats in the house.
February is the busiest month of the year for us.
It is the height of summer and our city is full of energy and entertainment. There are many more open air concerts in Hagley Park for us to look forward to including Sparks 2019 on the 16th and throughout February many talented local musicians will be performing live around the central city.

The Botanic Gardens and Hagley Park are a focal point for all sorts of outdoor events this month and last night saw the start of the Night Noodle Market. Heaps of great food and drink stalls from vendors throughout New Zealand and beyond. The Night Noodle Market is free entry and continues until the 17th.

On 17th February the Chinese New Year Parade comes to town!

Starting at 3pm at the Bridge of Remembrance it finishes in Cathedral Square with a number of performances. 2019 is the Year of the Pig and if you are born in the year of the pig you have a beautiful personality and are blessed with good fortune in life. Lucky you.
There are lots of sports events to watch too, the cricket and hockey internationals perhaps being the highlights. Then there is the annual Kathmandu Coast to Coast, a gruelling test of fitness and stamina. It starts at Kumara Beach on the west coast to finish on the east coast at New Brighton Beach here in Christchurch. The Coast to Coast is a collection of individual and team events over two days that includes separate cycling, kayaking and running races. However, the highlight has to be the one day individual race covering all three disciplines over the whole 240 plus km.
Makes me tired just to think about it!